Local Transport Plan Citizen Consultation

Closes 15 Dec 2024


We've developed eight principles to guide this work and make sure we deliver on the goals. They are:

Principle 1: A vision led approach – Transport-related plans, proposals or business cases must be focused on delivering the vision and outcomes in the Local Transport Plan.

Principle 2: All five goals are of equal importance.

Principle 3: Transport decisions will be based on clear need and evidence.

Principle 4: Transport must support placemaking – this means prioritising walking, cycling and wheeling and not general traffic when new developments and regeneration schemes are being built.

Principle 5: Prioritise clean, healthy travel in all we do – we will make sure that walking, wheeling and using the bus and rail networks are the most important considerations in how we plan transport.

Principle 6: We will be guided by our commitment to inclusivity, accessibility and social value.

Principle 7: We will work with others to promote and deliver the Local Transport Plan.

Principle 8: We will deliver a rolling programme of innovative transport investment between 2025 and 2040.

Do you think the 8 principles will help us deliver our 5 goals?
Use this box to provide any feedback on the principles.
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