Local Transport Plan Citizen Consultation

Closes 15 Dec 2024

GOAL 4: Transport that’s well maintained and tough

Make sure our transport network and assets are well maintained, long lasting, and tough to the effects of climate change. To read the policy in full, please review in the draft Local Transport Plan, here.

Policy G4-1 Well maintained transport infrastructure informed by good data

What we are proposing

The main focus of this policy will be maintaining the Key Route Network.  The Key Route Network is a series of local roads, structures and footways that have been identified by the Combined Authority as the most important for moving goods, people and linking services such as hospitals, to our communities.

We make sure we maintain roads, bridges, railways and paths to keep them in good condition and safe. We will use data to prioritise funding in the areas that need it most. Making sure all roads and signage we are responsible for, are brought up to an acceptable maintainable standard, as well as our Mersey Tunnels and Mersey Bridge Crossings.

We will also work closely with our partners to use evidence to develop action plans in response to changing weather patterns, high winds and flooding and icing which can affect the rail network.

The map below shows the Key Route Network across the Liverpool City Region. If you're unable to view the map or would like this information in an alternative format, please contact: TransportPolicy@liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk

Key Route Network and Motorway Network

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Policy G4-2 Delivering transport that can withstand the effects of climate change

What we are proposing

We will design and build our transport system to withstand the effects of extreme weather. Where infrastructure - such as pavements, cycle lanes, bus stops, train stations and roads – already exists, we will look at how we can make improvements and bring them up to modern environmental standards.

When we build new infrastructure, we will design them to reduce the impact of extreme weather of walking, cycling and wheeling. This could include, incorporating planting to protect people from strong sun, wind and rainwater and designing projects to reduce surface water runoff and flooding.

We will monitor weather events in real time and take action to reduce disruption on the transport network, for example diverting vehicles and people from areas which are likely to experience high winds or flooding.

The way we prune and cut trees and clear leaves from trees next to the transport network (e.g. railway lines and roads) will also be part of this policy to help keep services running and on time and reduce accidents. 

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Policy G4-3 Ensuring that we develop and maintain infrastructure in a sustainable way

What we are proposing

We will test and trial new ways of reducing our impact on the environment, when building and maintaining transport infrastructure – i.e train stations.

This could include using low carbon concrete, tarmac and clean energy generation sources, such as heat pumps, photovoltaics and wind power. We will also focus on reusing existing buildings, materials, equipment and infrastructure, where possible, to make best use of what's already available to us and reduce waste.

We will replace street lighting and traffic signals with LED and power-saving technologies to consume less electricity.

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
There is a limit of 1500 characters