Local Transport Plan Citizen Consultation

Closes 15 Dec 2024

GOAL 1: Support good, clean job growth and opportunity for all

Make sure transport supports local growth.  This means equal opportunities for all to access affordable transport systems that connect people to jobs and services – all while keeping the environment in mind. To read the policy in full, please review in the draft Local Transport Plan, here.

Policy G1-1 Consider sustainable transport and movement in all we do as a Combined Authority

What we’re proposing

We will work with our partners and local authorities to make sure transport is considered in every new strategy, bid for money or decision we make.  We will support plans, proposals and activities which prioritise walking, cycling and public transport which uses clean fuel such as electricity. This is to ensure that investments in our region support the vision and goals of this plan.

We will consider transport planning in all we do, making sure everyone in our region has access to good opportunities such as good jobs, training and education.

It also means goods and services can be moved easily and the impact on the environment is reduced.

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
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Policy G1-2 Prioritising measures and services that improve people’s access to opportunity

What we’re proposing

We will focus our investments in areas where there are weaknesses or gaps in the transport network to improve frequency and availability of services, to give people more choice and connect people to more employment and education opportunities and make it easier to travel by public transport to meet friends and family and go shopping.

We will plan ahead, looking at where new homes and employment sites will be located to make sure they have walking and cycling routes, and good bus and rail links. Under bus franchising we will have greater control of where the bus network runs in future, which will support this policy.

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
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Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
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Policy G1-3 Making it easier and cheaper to travel

What we’re proposing

We want to make the entire transport network - buses, trains, ferries - part of one ticketing system, allowing people to switch between modes easily.

We’re proposing a new online payment system which is easy to use, whatever your level of digital skills or access to technology.

We will remove the need to buy multiple, costly tickets for different services. Payments will be taken by smartcard, mobile app, or contactless card and fares will be capped each day, so you always pay the cheapest price for your journey with no extra costs for switching between different types of transport.

We’ll also introduce bus franchising which means that bus routes, services and tickets will all be set by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
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Policy G1-4 Reviewing our travel support offer

What we’re proposing

We want to make travelling by public transport more affordable for everyone.

We will look at ways to encourage young people to try public transport. This could include free or discounted tickets. We’ll also look at how we can help other groups of people with travel costs, such as people who are looking for work, people seeking asylum, care leavers and other people who need our support because of their circumstances.

We will need to regularly review our ticketing and free travel schemes and services to make sure they are still relevant and meet the needs of our region.  We’ll look at ways to support more walking, cycling and wheeling to help people to travel, not just free or lower cost public transport. 

To what level do you support this policy?
What do you think is good about this policy?
There is a limit of 1500 characters
Do you have any concerns or worries about this policy? How could we reduce your concerns?
There is a limit of 1500 characters